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Transformer Oil Regeneration Plant (E575R)

ENERVAC’s Transformer Oil Regeneration Plant provides all the benefits of Fuller’s Earth treatment without the associated problems of contaminated clay disposal or the high cost of replacing saturated earth. At the end of the useful lifetime of the regeneration media, normally 300 times longer than Fuller’s Earth, it is simply disposed of in a normal landfill site. Ideally suited to large throughputs, the plant is available in either a mobile or stationary version.

Transformer Oil Regeneration Plant (E575R) Container Mount Option.jpg
Transformer Oil Regeneration Plant (E575R)
Skid Mount Option.jpg

Description of Process:

Used oil is strained, heated and filtered prior to flowing into a bank of columns which are filled with an adsorbent media. The oil’s primary physical parameters are restored during this phase. Upon exiting the columns, the oil is passed through a degassification unit and an afterfilter which restores the oil to virgin conditions. The banks of columns eventually become saturated and need to be reactivated. This reactivation is performed within the columns and does not require the adsorbent to be removed. The reactivation process typically takes 12 hours, during which time a second bank is used to process oil. Enervac’s unique control system allows for 24 hour processing without having to shut the E575R down. Once reactivated the bank is again ready for processing. On average, between 300 and 500 reactivations per bank ensure that the media only needs to be changed every three to five years. Once exhausted, the media is reactivated one final time and is then discarded as a dry waste in a normal landfill - it is completely devoid of any oily waste.


The mobile Enervac E575R is ideally suited for processing transformers that are either on- or off-load and the skidmounted E575R is well suited for tank farm applications.


  • Open technology - no “black box” or restricted plant areas

  • Royalty-free operation - no gallonage or reactivation fees

  • Full 24 hour operation - dual banks allow reactivation with simultaneous processing

  • On-load and off-load transformer processing with Enervac’s Transformer Oil Level Monitoring System (TOLMS)

  • Multi-mode maximizes flexibility - can be used as conventional degassifier with transformer dry-out capabilities

  • DBPC anti-oxidant blend back facility

  • Customized control options from fully automatic with PC control and datalogging, manual override options, PLC control, mimic panel

  • Full laboratory option

  • Boiler option

  • Onboard generator option

  • All global power supply options offered

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